I'm just going to throw this out there. School is about to start which means long car rides.
The Diving Bell and The Butterfly (2007)

What is there to say about this movie other than what a beautiful film. I've had this movie for three days, and already I have seen it twice. Mathieu Almaric does such a good job playing Jean-Dominique Bauby (the main character) that I was fooled into actually believing that he was handicapped. This movie was so sad and emotionally driven that I was to the point of donating some money to hospitals who cared for stroke patients (not quite). Another thing that was amazing about this movie was how it wasn't boring, quite the opposite to be honest. The movie was basically Jean-Dominique narrating the story, but the imagery used, and the feelings he put behind his lines were magnificent. I truly loved everything about this, from the actors to the scenery, a remarkable film.
★★★★1/2 - Almost Perfection
★★★★1/2 - Almost Perfection

Semi-Pro (2008)
Is this supposed to even compare to Ferrell's older movies? No. It seems Will Ferrell is running on very few ideas, deciding to keep doing what he apparently thinks he does best (comedy). This movie seemed to be another attempt to target the mainstream comedy audience. Now, I'm not saying this movie is bad (compared to Blades of Glory), it just seems to fall behind all the other great movies (Anchorman,Tallageda Nights, Stranger than Fiction). Will Ferrell is trying to hard to keep his comedic charm, but it seems to be falling out of his grasp. The movie is fun to watch, and funny at some parts, but it just seems like any other Ferrell release. I enjoyed this movie because I was bored and had nothing better to do. This movie is not something I'm going to watch multiple times.
★★1/2- Interesting

La Planete Sauvage aka Fantastic Planet (1973)
★★1/2- Interesting

La Planete Sauvage aka Fantastic Planet (1973)
I have no idea what i just watched. This movie was something that I was not expecting in any sort of way. The storyline, interesting to say the least. Actually, this movie had so many weird animals and plants that I felt I was on a magical acid trip. The religious undertones in this movie are everywhere, which makes it very captivating when thought of. The way this animation was drawn is amazing. It looks pretty cheap drawn (if that makes sense), but it adds to the story. I found myself not only enjoying the movie but trying to relate to it. The aliens act like normal people which gives the viewer a different perspective on "aliens" (if we had one to began with). The language spoken is french, and it certaintly adds to the whole mistique of the movie. A great movie to broaden someone's "animation" genre.
★★★1/2 - Really Good

★★★1/2 - Really Good

Mean Girls (2004)
This movie has thought me something that no other movie has ever done so before. Never judge a movie by its cover. I was bored on a Friday night and I thought to myself, "HEY, let's watch something to waste time (and when I said waste i truly meant it). Was I surprised by this. Might I dare say that this is probably Lindsey Lohan's best performance ever (if there is such a thing). Not only that, but it also has Tina Fey, which I think she is a brilliant comedian, in almost every single one of her roles. I loved the fact that it had a simple plot, a teenage girl dealing with popularity in her own sort of way. The movie was funny and enjoyable, unlike all the other cheesy high school movies. For something that was simple and not artistic in any way, it succeeded in having a good plot that does not bore the average viewer.
★★★1/2 - Really Good

Swingers (1996)

The Hours and Times (1991)
★★★1/2 - Really Good

Swingers (1996)
Not relating to the movie, when looking for the movie poster for this in google some very graphic images popped out. Back to Swingers, what a great movie this was. I seemed to enjoy every single moment of this film. Having to watch it and compare it with The Hours and Times for a forum I am active in (filmspotting), it was one of the best decisions I could have made. This is what I wrote about this movie when comparing it:
The Good This movie had me interested throughout the whole thing. The acting by Vince Vaughn was not just good, it was really great. The expression he would have one his face when "Mikey" would do something really "emotional" (tell all his feelings about his ex to the girl he was trying to hook up with) was just so funny. The movie tells the story of Mikey trying to overcome his heartbreak, which makes it good because it didn't have multiple plots to worry about. One thing that really put the icing over the cake with this one was the Goodfellas/Reservoir mockups Swingers had in the movie. This movie was truly enjoyable and had some extremely funny parts.
"You are money, Baby!" -- Vince Vaughn
The Bad
I wouldn't necessarily call this things bad, not because of my ideals but because it just happens to be part of the movie. One thing that I didn't really like is the undermining of women. Like I said, it was part of the movie and everything but they treated them like a certain type of object. Another thing that I didn't like was how the ending became a little predictable, "Mikey finds another girl, and forgets about the old one". Overall this was a really solid movie.
Swingers won the competition by the way.
★★★★ - Amazing
The Good This movie had me interested throughout the whole thing. The acting by Vince Vaughn was not just good, it was really great. The expression he would have one his face when "Mikey" would do something really "emotional" (tell all his feelings about his ex to the girl he was trying to hook up with) was just so funny. The movie tells the story of Mikey trying to overcome his heartbreak, which makes it good because it didn't have multiple plots to worry about. One thing that really put the icing over the cake with this one was the Goodfellas/Reservoir mockups Swingers had in the movie. This movie was truly enjoyable and had some extremely funny parts.
"You are money, Baby!" -- Vince Vaughn
The Bad
I wouldn't necessarily call this things bad, not because of my ideals but because it just happens to be part of the movie. One thing that I didn't really like is the undermining of women. Like I said, it was part of the movie and everything but they treated them like a certain type of object. Another thing that I didn't like was how the ending became a little predictable, "Mikey finds another girl, and forgets about the old one". Overall this was a really solid movie.
Swingers won the competition by the way.
★★★★ - Amazing

The Hours and Times (1991)
I had never heard of this movie prior the date it was assigned to me. I had no idea what I was getting into, or what I was about to experience. Yes, Ian Hart (the actor that plays Professor Quirrell in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone) plays John Lennon in case anyone was wondering. This movie was something completely different than from what I am used to viewing. Also, it went heads up with Swingers in the competition from filmspotting. Here are my thoughts on this movie:
The Good
One thing that I really liked about this sort of movie is that it was in black and white. It just seemed to be a lot more fitting into the story. The actor who played Brian Epstein (David Angus) did a marvelous job acting like a homosexual and having his crush on John Lennon. A second thing I enjoyed about the movie is the way the movie was directed. There seemed to be a lot of silence in the movie, just looking at certain things. I also liked how the movie started and finished, looking at the vista of Spain. I think this was to symbolize how after the little rendevouz Brian Epstein and John Lennon had, they had to go back to their old ways (not having a relationship).
The Bad
There were many things i loved about this movie, but there were also some things I didn't. It might seem foolish but one thing that bothered me at the end is how under-developed the characters went. Yes, they developed, but not to the full extent that could have helped me understand the two characters (maybe that's what the director wanted). Also, the movie seems to make Lennon seem like he is extremely carefree of his wife. While this movie is a fictional event, it still portrays Lennon as some sort of jerk. All of the things i mentioned in THE BAD are not necessarily bad things, they are just things that seemed to bug me.
This movie was awesome as well, so i give it:
★★★★ - Amazing

The Eye (2007)
The Good
One thing that I really liked about this sort of movie is that it was in black and white. It just seemed to be a lot more fitting into the story. The actor who played Brian Epstein (David Angus) did a marvelous job acting like a homosexual and having his crush on John Lennon. A second thing I enjoyed about the movie is the way the movie was directed. There seemed to be a lot of silence in the movie, just looking at certain things. I also liked how the movie started and finished, looking at the vista of Spain. I think this was to symbolize how after the little rendevouz Brian Epstein and John Lennon had, they had to go back to their old ways (not having a relationship).
The Bad
There were many things i loved about this movie, but there were also some things I didn't. It might seem foolish but one thing that bothered me at the end is how under-developed the characters went. Yes, they developed, but not to the full extent that could have helped me understand the two characters (maybe that's what the director wanted). Also, the movie seems to make Lennon seem like he is extremely carefree of his wife. While this movie is a fictional event, it still portrays Lennon as some sort of jerk. All of the things i mentioned in THE BAD are not necessarily bad things, they are just things that seemed to bug me.
This movie was awesome as well, so i give it:
★★★★ - Amazing

The Eye (2007)
God this movie was bad. I did not like anything about it. I get afraid very easily, one could almost say with anything. This movie did not convey one single bit of fear when watching it. I think the only reason why Jessica Alba is an actress is because of how she looks, because to be honest that was the most horrid thing about the film, her acting. My girlfriend wanted to watch this movie because the main character (Jessica Alba) is a blind person who plays the violin. Since my girlfriend loves everything related to the violin we just had to watch it. The ending was predictable, and every single question that was asked was not solved. Seemed hilarious how just by having "the eye" she is able to find so much information. The movie was boring and had no point to it.
★ - Bad
★ - Bad
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